
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mosquitoes...the Little Enemy - Pamela

We are going through a chronological study of the Bible with our kids and one of the three things that man was meant to do in order to bring God glory is take domain over the earth (the other two are relationships with people and relationship with God). It’s been amazing to me to even apply this with everyday situations. For example, mosquitoes are my enemy and sometimes I think God made them so man could discover a way to keep them out of the house or kill them altogether. I vote for killing them altogether because they especially love to stick their little needle nose into my skin and draw my blood. In fact we have smashed mosquito’s guts on most of our white walls.

So back to the domain idea, I was thinking to myself "how can I keep these little enemies out of my house (take domain) without closing the windows." If I closed the windows then we would “die of heat” so the windows had to remain open in order for our family to stay cool. Hmm, could I put screens on the windows, no not really because the way the windows are designed down here they are horizontal glass slats with a crank to open and close the windows.

So one night we went to a village family’s house for lunch and I noticed they had mosquito nets over their beds. I ask the wife where she got them and she said any supermarket. Idea! Hum, maybe I could put mosquito nets over my windows? I pursued this thought and then labored to cut and make mosquito screens that would fit the Dominican style of window. It’s not pretty but it worked!!

Yes! Domain over my little enemy! Now I had control over my house and those mosquitoes are not welcomed in my sanctuary! Even though this was a little thing it still brought satisfaction to use the brain God gave me and use the resources I had available to me and create a “domain atmosphere.” Yes that is exactly what God has created me to be and when I function to take domain over the earth it brings glory to God and pleasure to me. I can just imagine God sitting up in heaven having much joy watching this whole thing take place.

Gloria a Dios

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